The car section operates from the club’s land near Thorpe Lea which will open for RC Cars approximately 360 days a year
To join the Car Section you must also have third party insurance from the BRCA.
We now have a lap counting system called "LapMonitor" this is a much cheaper system that works for us and info can be found here;
UK store here; LapMonitor
We run 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/8th and 1/10th scale models. They may be powered by electricity, two stroke petrol engines and or Nitro engines, in the case of 1/5th cars the maximum engine size will be limited to 34cc.
1/5 cars and bashers now have their own separate track to run on.
Note, we have found if you don't run a silenced pipe at our track it will exceed our 80 decibel @ 20meters noise limit and you won't be able to run your car.
ALL petrol buggies must have a working remote kill switch (safety first).
Have a look at my installation guide here
Just a note about the membership. Full Member (adult) £70 per year
Family Member (includes partner & children) £76 per year
Junior Member (11-18 yrs) £14 per year
Registration Fee* (payable on joining) £90
BRCA (British Radio Car Association)
The BRCA Membership and insurance only covers Car activity. If you wish to pursue the other disciplines in the club additional cover will be required. You will have to Join the BRCA independently and will ask for you membership number for our records.
To become a member you have to be nominated by three existing members with a signature from each on your application form that can be requested from the membership sec. You can come down the club as a guest three times within a 12 month period, after which you will be expected to join EMC if they wish to continue to use the facilities.
Members guests may nonetheless continue to visit the track site with a member to spectate.